Mandala is a series of abstract and symbolic circular representations that have been widely used for centuries. Mandala coloring is known to contribute greatly to the development of people’s personality and creativity. If you want to buy something with mandalas we recommend AMAZON

Originally, these were representations of the universe, but their widespread use has led to an evolution of these representations, which is why today there is a wide variety of drawings and images in this impressive style.
Children’s mandalas are becoming more and more common in the Western world, as their use has been extended to a therapeutic level in recent years, as great benefits have been found from their use, but not only in children, they have also been used for adults.
What is a mandala?
Nowadays, mandalas have become very popular in our culture and we see them more and more often around us, but do we really know what a mandala is?
They are attractive because of the beauty of their composition, but not everyone knows that they are not just colorful designs and that the variety of concentric geometric shapes and colors used change the overall meaning of the mandala. The classic shape par excellence is the circle, which gives meaning to the word as it translates to “sacred circle”. It represents the ‘true self’, the universe, eternity and most aspects of our lives, such as friends, family and community. Other commonly used shapes are the triangle, square and spiral.
Benefits of mandala coloring
The application of these techniques includes three possible phases, depending on the individual’s participation: observing, colouring and drawing.
Mandala coloring for primary school children
During the primary school period, children are in a phase of improving their psychomotor skills, which must be accompanied by the development of creativity. Mandala coloring can be a very beneficial, accessible and simple activity for all children.
Everyone will experience different feelings and the choice of mandala will affect this too. It is an effective method of awakening the senses as well as stimulating creative thinking, fluidity and flexibility of mind.
In addition to these benefits, it will also serve to improve concentration and patience, as a way to get rid of problems and let go of worries, as well as to improve stability in an attractive and satisfying way. It will also be useful to know the mood of the person painting them, as this will vary according to the colours chosen.
And once the colouring process is under control, children will be able to try their hand at drawing their own pictures. But until then, we’re including colouring templates for younger children, with specific designs to peak their interest.